
The NGS Impact Crusher is extremely versatile. 最常见的应用包括从颚式破碎机或冲击破碎机中提取初级石灰石,并将其还原为建筑级骨料. 然而, with the optional third curtain assembly, 在沥青和一些混凝土混合料中增加碎石的用量是可能的.


The NGS Impactor represents the next generation secondary Impact Crusher. 在业内仍然无人能及, NGS冲击器旨在为骨料和矿物加工业务带来更高的盈利能力. Developed to mimic the productivity of its predecessor, 影响二, 这个冲击产生了一个更好的, highly cubical product while reducing operating expenses. 

The NGS Impactor reduces downtime for adjustments, 需要较少的易损件库存,可以在现场修改,以适应应用和菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全要求的变化. The NGS Impactor is available in seven different model sizes, 每一个都是独特的设计,可以以最小的成本改造任何安卓风格的撞击器. 可选的功能,以加强简化的窗帘调整,包括调整在飞行或先进的触摸屏自动化能力. Combining 35 years of field experience with the latest technology available, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 continues to expand the features of the NGS Impactor. 

为什么选择菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 NGS冲击式破碎机

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全在矿物加工行业有着悠久而繁荣的历史. 我们为煤等软质材料和花岗岩或玄武岩等硬磨料提供破碎解决方案.  Not only does 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 understand the process, but we are keenly aware of the issues that affect your bottom line. 当考虑一个冲击破碎机, 您可以依靠菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全来分析您的申请并推荐最合适的途径.

NGS冲击破碎机通常从颚式破碎机或冲击破碎机中获得初级石灰石,并将其减少为建筑级骨料. 可选的第三幕组件可以增加沥青和一些混凝土混合料的碎石量. 窗帘的可调节性, 在不同的转子转速下, generates output gradations that can be manipulated in many ways. NGS冲击器配备了耐磨衬套和由各种铬合金铸造的锤头. 即使在坚韧的河流砾石和磨料混凝土碎石的应用往往是有利可图的NGS冲击器. 转子速度和正确的锤合金打开了广泛的机会,在新的市场正在增长的行业材料减少. 如果您的操作可以从更高的还原比中受益,同时产生具有优越稳健性的立方体菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, 考虑NGS冲击破碎机. 

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 offers the largest selection of Impact Crushers in the country. 我们的冲击器已经运行了50多年,并在采矿和集料行业赢得了提供可靠设备和无与伦比的服务和支持的声誉. Choosing an NGS Impactor for your operation enables us to prove, 再一次, our dedication to the industry and to your success.


NGS冲击破碎机是一种andreas风格的冲击器,具有圆盘转子等基本功能, 可逆锤, 普通耐磨衬套, 和液压罩的访问. 然而,NGS的优势始于物料以最佳角度沿进料槽流下. 进料溜槽允许物料在锤击岩石时影响最大的精确点进入转子圈. 原始帷幕的几何形状包含了破碎岩石的初始喷雾,并将岩石转移回锤圈. 然后,当材料在转子周围工作时,次级幕接收类似的细颗粒喷雾, coming into contact repeatedly with the hammers. 

A dual curtain impactor typically provides a 10:1 reduction in a limestone material. The NGS Impact Crusher offers the option of a third curtain, which in some applications may provide more than a 20:1 reduction. 和所有的宇宙撞击器一样, NGS冲击式破碎机通过还原过程提供了对物料流动的更高水平的控制. The hammer profile in the NGS is an S-shape, which provides a protruding leading edge. As the hammer wears down, it continues to strike the stone with a sharp edge. This keeps the material flow more centered on the curtains. As the hammers wear, the gap between the hammer tip and the curtains becomes greater. Measuring from the bottom edge of the curtain, when the gap expands with every 1” of hammer wear, the resulting output gradation will become noticeably coarser.

NGS冲击破碎机非常容易调整,不需要沉重的扳手或作弊棒. All it takes is a simple pull on the hydraulic lever. 然后, 把垫片从摇篮上抬起来, secure them in the shim pack with a thumb-screw, 并卸下液压缸. Check the gap through the inspection door, and you're done.

When the hammers are spent, the replacement process is quick and easy. 作为安全第一的倡议,每个NGS冲击器都包含转子锁和特殊的提升工具. Once the new hammers are in place, reset the curtain gaps, and the crusher is ready. 

With any Impact Crusher, it is always important to check for loose hardware. 我们感到自豪的是,我们的NGS系列破碎机拥有市场上任何二次冲击机中最大的检查和维护门. 访问至关重要. Providing more visibility empowers operators to be more proactive. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全现在提供了NGS冲击器,可以在满载时进行调整. 观察出料输送机,用手指触摸岩石的大小.

想要更多的控制? 我们提供一个完整的自动化程序与触摸屏,以调整间隙设置锤磨损或不断变化的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全需求. This full automation feature also includes hands-free calibration capability. Just give the command and let the crusher adjust accordingly. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Secondary Impact Crushers


主帘通常设置在等于进料顶部尺寸的一半的位置. The secondary curtain is then set at or near the desired top size of the product. 如果处于闭合回路中, adjust the second curtain to limit the return load to less than 15% of the new feed. 检查两个窗帘的振动,调整主窗帘,使两个窗帘之间的振动均匀.

The third curtain is below the center line of the rotor, which means it will involve attrition and grinding to affect the reduction. That will add wear cost to the operation. If the future plans for the crusher limit it to products greater than ¾”, forego the option because the dual curtain arrangement will be sufficient. 然而, if product sizes smaller than ¾” are desirable, the third curtain may be sufficient to eliminate a tertiary crusher in the system.

The NGS Impact Crusher is very easy to adjust with simple hydraulic shim adjustment. Our fully automated system is considerably less expensive than competitive units, but if you’re adjusting for wear or product changes on a rare occasion, 标准系统就是你所需要的.

Unlike our competitors, we offer another alternative. If you move from one quarry to another, 或者你的进料不一致, the semi-automatic adjust feature is both affordable and easy to use. 这将提供动态调整能力,这可以补充垫片调整安排. 


特性 & 好处
  • Two independent gravity hung impact curtains, both suspended from the same pivot point, provide unmatched ability to hold gap settings against surges in material flow
  • 第三幕, 在需要的时候, can be added to the Impactor as a field kit in the event future opportunities arise, 一旦安装好, can be fully retracted to function as a deflector plate
  • 防冲击帘已配备 with interchangeable cast liners of chromium alloy, bolted into place and available in half sizes for easier handling
  • 可选的制造衬垫可用于大多数型号,并拉伸窗帘的整个宽度, and they can be used in various positions throughout the Impactor
  • 防冲击帘已配备, 作为标准, with hydraulic assisted shim adjustment, and are engineered to provide quick and simple replacement when necessary
  • 进入破碎机的内部, the housing hydraulically opens with the hood retracting beyond the center of gravity, engaging a mechanical hood lock for added safety
  • 转子锁插入到一个积极的手段转子,以防止转子在维护时转动
  • The rotor assembly can be a three-bar, four-bar, or even five bar design
  • 锤子被保持在转子易于拆卸和安装的l型块,减少停机时间,并提供一个积极的手段,以保持锤子在运行期间
  • 顶部有大型通道门, 冲击器的背面和侧面为破碎机内部的检查和维护提供了无与伦比的通道
  • Rotor assembly features a rotor weldment, 用无钥匙总成固定到轴上,并安装在球面滚子轴承上


Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. 无论你需要什么,我们都会为你服务.