Sampling Systems

抽样系统有助于识别和验证所运物料的质量或成分, received or utilized in a process.


How Sampling Systems Work

Many different types of mechanical Sampling Systems are available, each with its own set of features and benefits. 这些系统可以包括从移动菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全流的取样材料到容器取样到取样浆料的任何东西. None of these samplers work and operate in the exact same way, 对于任何材料加工应用来说,与经验丰富的制造商或顾问合作,了解从系统布局和集成到长期现场目标的一切都是非常重要的.

In general, 机械取样系统旨在创建一个自动化的过程,消除了手动取样的需要. Cross-Belt Sampling Systems 直接集成到传送带系统来收集样品,而 Falling Stream Sampling Systems collect material from a moving point. Additionally, McLanahan offers Auger Sampling Systems 适用于需要从固定点取样的应用场合.

Why McLanahan Sampling Systems

For years, McLanahan的定制取样解决方案已成功实施到各种行业-首先是HSS取样系统, 然后在20世纪90年代HSS被收购时成为McLanahan采样系统公司. 在坚固耐用的应用中寻找长期成功的客户,使用旨在满足其特定要求的采样系统,只需看看McLanahan.

McLanahan明白收集正确的、有代表性的样本的重要性. 这些样品为测试和评估提供了基础,从而可以做出良好的决策-从评估给定的一批材料到规划整个操作的未来. 糟糕的抽样(或没有抽样)会导致糟糕的数据,这很可能会对基于该数据的决策相关结果产生负面影响, both in short-term operation and in longer-term financial impacts.

这就是为什么McLanahan花时间了解您的流程,并根据采样标准和与采样和物料处理相关的经验驱动的最佳实践提供最佳解决方案. 其结果是一个采样解决方案,包装采样理论和现实世界的实用性的最佳混合成一个具有成本效益的采样系统适合您的网站和应用需求. 这通常意味着定制单个机器的布局或部件,以最适合客户想要完成的任务. 抽样项目可能是相似的,但很少是完全相同的. McLanahan在设计上的灵活性使我们能够提供最好的选择,而竞争对手可能只提供标准的选择.

使用McLanahan取样系统收集正确的样品,以确定生产或装运时材料的适当值, verify the quality or value of an as-received product, determine the composition of an as-fired fuel, 监控工厂或工厂内特定设备的性能, 计算冶金质量平衡,并评估在散装材料中分布的理想(或不希望)成分的数量.


  • 确定已生产或已发运材料的适当值
  • verify the quality or value of an as-received product
  • determine the composition of an as-fired fuel
  • 监控工厂或工厂内特定设备的性能
  • calculate metallurgical mass balances
  • 评估在散装物料中分布的理想(或不理想)成分的数量

Frequently Asked Questions About Sampling Systems

Ask An Expert

在几乎任何干散货材料应用中使用McLanahan取样系统. Examples of past projects include coal, concentrates, ores, metallurgical and petroleum coke, sand, stone, gravel, salt, potash, phosphates, bauxite, lignite, wood pellets and other wood products, biomass and others.

收集的最终样品应连续分析并绘制图表. 执行什么样的分析和使用什么样的图表技术将取决于抽样的材料和最终用户的抽样目标. Periodically, perhaps once or twice per year, the system should be verified, 这意味着系统的整体运行和单个设备的运行将根据历史数据和理论数据进行评估,以确定系统是否处于高水平运行. 在验证活动完成后,系统通常要进行偏差测试. A bias test is simply a comparison test of samples produced by the mechanical Sampling System to samples collected by another method, usually stopped belt samples.

A wide variety of sampling equipment is available on the market today. This variety can be attributed to a number of reasons, such as industry preference, type of material being sampled, system layout restrictions and so forth. In general, 采样类型可以分为三大类:落流, cross belt and auger. Falling Stream Sampling Systems are probably the largest category. 他们从自由落体的材料流或通过自然轨迹运动的材料流中截取样品材料, as when material is discharged from a conveyor. Cross Belt Sampling Systems are installed on belt conveyors and, when activated, 在移动的传送带上摆动刀具总成以收集增量. Auger Sampling Systems 用于从固定的物料中收集样品,例如在卡车或轨道车上. Sometimes augers are used in sampling stockpiles.

Despite only three main categories of samplers, there are many varieties to choose from, 并且可以使用任意数量的采样器类型的组合来开发作为一个整体的采样系统.


Features & Benefits
  • Assign the correct value a commodity produced or shipped
  • Pay the correct price for a commodity received
  • Make good decisions based on data derived from good samples
  • Meets applicable International Sampling Standards
  • Follows best practices in sampling theory and material handling
  • Improve efficiency of an operation
  • Solutions tailored to meet the needs of your specific project
  • 可靠地收集有代表性的样品与最小的操作员交互
  • Verify contract specifications are met
  • Improve quality control of bulk materials produced
  • Robust design for long-term, reliable operation

Need Some Help?

Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.